26 January 2006

LED news at SEATEC 2006

Yachtica is going to attend SEATEC at Marina di Carrara for the second year, with a brand new product in the lighting control field.
In position C – 22 – 603 (pavillon C, lane 22, stand 603), at our stand, visitors will find information about the automated living on board, our integrated controls, along with our worldwide service. They will also have the chance to discover the last born at Yachtica.
Our new product is the electronic module for the control of LED lighting systems. The LED technology has had a major impact on yacht interior design. Not long ago, small LEDs were only used for passages, stairs or courtesy lines. Nowadays LED lighting spreads throughout saloons and cabins, thus finding a new and interesting usage. LEDs are now able to create impressive light effects.
The module for the management of the LED lighting is a technological solution available for light designers, interior designers, architects, and yard engineers. A high quality electronic control capable of making the most of the many opportunities offered by today’s lighting design. The new module is available both in the “programmable” version (LKD 804L – Lighting Management Module LED) and in the “dimmer with scenarios” version (DIM LED – Marine Dimmer Module LED).
LEDs can bright up any yachts, and thanks to the colours can also create magic scenarios, easily controlled by Yachtica systems.

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