6 October 2021

The new Yachtica brands Alphaplate ® Collection launched at MYS

The new Yachtica brands Alphaplate ® Collection, was launched at Montecarlo Yacht Show last edition. The entire range of ALPHAPLATE COLLECTION switches  was presented through an innovative exhibition space, with thorough attention to the minutest of details.  Which attracted strong interest from interior design, architects and owners. The idea of ​​creating a brand entirely dedicated to the switches collection,  stems from the YACHTICA intuition after strong feedback from the nautical market in the last years. The company, leader from over 20 years  with home automation lighting controls systems, has had over the years by proposing special switches  from the material precious, with high technological content  and a  refined and captivating design. So much so that they have become icons in the nautical sector.

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24 May 2017

DIM 22PN: New Feature available

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18 November 2015

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