4 September 2006

Interboat – Viareggio 2006

We will be present to the ll’Interboat 2006.

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21 November 2016

Yachtica®: Great results at METS 2016

Big results and great feedback obtained at the last METS, where Yachtica® exhibits at the S.Y.P. The booth, it’s been crowded all time during the three days trade show, allowing the developes new partnership and make stronger the existing collaboration. At the show, different upgrade to the EasyBUS System...

18 November 2015

HPlate® Keyboards

Yachtica had just launched a new wall plates keypad that present a high end technology solutions and a high design. The H/Plate, that’s the name, has different push buttons layouts, with square and rectangular buttons, with a maximum 8 push buttons each. Aluminium core and magnetic fixing. H/Plate offers...

1 May 2013

DIM22P – The New Marine 2 Channel Dimmer 1224 VDC

The new module DIM22P has born as a response to the small yachts needs to be able to use a 2 channel dimmer both for dimming and control of any light source. It has to power Output channels each handles 6A loads. It rapresents the optimal response to the...