6 November 2006

Ciao Yachtica fly to the Mets-Amsterdam!

Yachtica is going to showcase at Mets its latest news in terms of wiring – the wireless.

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26 January 2006

Seatec 2006

This year Yachtica is going to attend Seatec in Marina di Carrara to showcase its latest news in the lighting control field: the LED electronic module.

6 November 2006

Wireless producys to the METS 2006

Yachtica is going to attend the METS Boat Show, which takes place in Amsterdam on 14-16 November, to introduce its latest news – at stand 01/669. The main one is related to the new concept of “wireless”. After a number of studies and final tests, the wireless automation system...

1 February 2016

New DRM 824PN (-F): Room light solution

Finally the room solution light for a single cabin and its bath: 2 dimmer outputs + 4 relays, in only 6 DIN rail. An example is: Dimmer outputs: cabin celing and bath ceiling; On/Off outputs: under bed, reading and mirror. By the 8 inputs it will be possible to...