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Cabot Sofware
Cabot is the software tool to program the Yachtica® system. Through Cabot it is possible to program every device of the EasyBUS system and to check all the functions and commands. The Cabot allows the user to program the Yachtica® system with great advantages in terms of easiness, off line checks and a significantly reduction of working time.
Easy APP
Yachtica App ultimate mobile control APP. Easily integrates Apple® iOS® and Android® devices with the Yachtica® Easy system to monitor and control lights, motor, lift TV, curtains and more from anywhere with a mobile broadband or Wi-Fi connection.
Software di Programmazione e Supervisione
- Funzioni di programmazione predefinite
- Menu a tendina per scelte rapide
- Capacità di upload e download della programmazione
- Supervisione in runtime del sistema
- Compatibile con Windows e Mac
- Procedura guidata di sostituzione modulo