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18 November 2015

HPlate® Keyboards

Yachtica had just launched a new wall plates keypad that present a high end technology solutions and a high design. The H/Plate, that’s the name, has different push buttons layouts, with square and rectangular buttons, with a maximum 8 push buttons each. Aluminium core and magnetic fixing. H/Plate offers...

1 April 2011

YARE- After Sales & Refit Exhibition

The Yare and its first review.It’s aim is to celebrate the culture and the after sales service and refit, included all services following the purchase of a boat: a date in support of all suppliers companies.Yachtica participates in the forefront. BOOTH B- 45b ( CNA area)

24 May 2017

DIM 22PN: New Feature available

We have upgraded the firmware of DIM 22PN allowing to set the PWM frequency of the outputs. 400Hz is the standard frequency of all Yachtica dimmers, which allow to have the highest quality of the lighting system. Unfortunately in the market there are drivers with a quality not so...