3 February 2006

Dubai Boat Show 2006

We will be present to the Dubai Boat Show.

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19 June 2006

Mini System – great performance for small yachts

The need for integration on board is becoming more and more wide-spread and now includes yachts from 10 to 20 metres in length. Yachtica has found a solution suitable for this new market by developing a system for small yachts which require high technological performance.Yachtica’s Mini system is everything...

26 March 2018


La sfida innovativa e di ricerca estetica continua senza sosta e si arriva così alla serie più alta di gamma: le K/PLATE . Il focus è l’eleganza della linea, la ricercatezza e preziosità dei materiali,  la totale customizzazione delle finiture e delle icone. Un prodotto invitante al tatto, attraente...